From 2012 to 2018, Keith Instone was actively developing a user experience community in the Toledo (Ohio) region. (He was less active before 2012, too.) The Twitter account @UXToledoRegion and Mailchimp archive document some of the history. Blogs of news about and for the community were posted at from 2013 to 2018 (archive) and at from 2005 to 2016 (archive).
Key milestones:
- Essential User Experience Skills panel (April 2018)
- User Research for Everyone virtual conference (October 2016)
- The Architecture of Understanding with Peter Morville (June 2016)
- User Insights for the Whole Team with Darren Kall (April 2016)
- Product Management & UX virtual conference (February 2016)
- Project Management & UX (January, 2016)
- Toledo Design Week (September 2015)
- Shop Talk, Keith Instone, Mad Ave Collective (March 2016)
- People Skills for UX virtual conference (May 2015)
- UX Tips virtual conference (April 2014)
- Web Usability panel (November 2013)
- Mobile UX virtual summit (September 2013)
- UX Tips webinar (May 2013)
- UX community needs survey results (March 2013)
- Toledo Region UXPA member lunch (January 2013)
- UX Web Summit Live (September 2012)
- Usability Clinic: Card Sorting (July 2012)
- World Usability Day by Tech Toledo (November 2011)
- UX with Mud Hens (July 2009)
- NWOACM World Usability Day (November 2006)
- President of Adobe to speak at BGSU about the future of the Web (March 2006)